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The router determines which handlers are called when a request hits the app based on HTTP method (GET, POST, DELETE, etc.) and URL. Every router handles routes a little differently so if you want to extend a router that already exists, it needs to meet the minimum requirements

  • must support parameters in URL paths: /music/{band}/{song}
  • parameters in URLs must be surrounded in braces - if they use the convention where they start with a colon (/music/:band/:song), you can use the paramconvert package to make it compatible with Ambient
  • must support routes being added and removed via Clear(method string, path string) - when plugins are disabled while the app is running, the routes must no longer be accessible
  • the order in which routes are added shouldn't matter. For instance, if GET /app/{name} is added before GET /app, it should behave the same as if they were added in reverse

There are five routers in the library:

The awayrouter is also used for the Dev Console.