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Ambient is a framework in Go for building web apps using plugins. You can use the plugins already included to stand up a blog just like the Bear Blog or create your own plugins to build your own app. Plugins can be enabled/disabled while the app is running which means routes as well as middleware can also modified without restarting the app. Plugins must be granted permissions above being enabled which provides you with better control over your app. Ambient also supports compiled plugins using gRPC via the HashiCorp plugin system.

Note: Ambient has an evolving API so it's not recommended for production quite yet, but would love your feedback as we get there.

Let's discover Ambient in less than 5 minutes.

Getting Started​

What you'll need​

  • Go version 1.17 or above (module support).
  • You'll also need tools like Git and Make, but they are probably already installed.

Generate an App​

To build a full app (screenshots), run these commands.

Build the Ambient interactive CLI (amb) in the current folder.

bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Run the app.


Clone the ambient-template by typing this command and pressing Enter.


Exit by typing exit or pressing Ctrl+D.


Change to the new project folder.

cd ambapp

Initialize the project - this command will:

  • download the Go dependencies
  • create the session and site files in the storage folder
  • create the .env file
  • generate a new private key and append to your .env file
  • generate a new password hash and append to your .env file.

Ensure you change passwordhere to your password.

make init passwordhere

Start the webserver on port 8080 (local development with no Docker).

make start

The login page is located at: http://localhost:8080/login/admin

To login, you'll need:

  • the default username: admin
  • the password from above

Once you are logged in, you should see a new menu option call Plugins. From this screen, you'll be able to use the Plugin Manager to make changes to state, permissions, and settings for all plugins.