Ambient Plugins
List of plugins that work with Ambient
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Package awayrouter is an Ambient plugin for a router using a variation of the matryer/way router.
Package pluginmanager is an Ambient plugin that provides a plugin management system.
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Package awsbucketstorage is an Ambient plugin that provides storage in AWS S3.
Package azureblobstorage is an Ambient plugin that provides storage in Azure Blob Storage.
Package debugpprof is an Ambient plugin that provides pprof functionality.
Package description is an Ambient plugin that sets a description meta tag in the HTML header.
Package foundation is an Ambient plugin that adds the Foundation library to all pages.
Package gcpbucketstorage is an Ambient plugin that provides storage in GCP Cloud Storage.
Package googleanalytics is an Ambient plugin that provides Google Analytics tracking.
Package gorillamux is an Ambient plugin for a router using gorilla/mux.
Package gzipresponse is an Ambient plugin that provides gzip content compression middleware.
Package healthcheck is an Ambient plugin that responds back with 200.
Package bearblog is an Ambient plugin that provides basic blog functionality.
Package jshttprouter is an Ambient plugin for a router using julienschmidt/httprouter.
Package localstorage is an Ambient plugin that provides local storage.
Package logrequest is an Ambient plugin that provides request logging middleware.
Package logruslogger is an Ambient plugin that provides log functionality using logrus.
Package memorystorage is an Ambient plugin that provides storage in memory.
Package notrailingslash is an Ambient plugin with middleware that removes trailing slashes from requests.
Package proxyrequest is an Ambient plugin with middleware that proxies requests.
Package redirecttourl is an Ambient plugin with middleware that redirects to the correct site URL.
Package routerecorder keeps track of each of the routes a plugin adds to the router. It is not a functioning router.
Package scssession is an Ambient plugin that provides session management using SCS.
Package securedashboard is an Ambient plugins that prevents unauthenticated access to the /dashboard routes.
Package simplelogin is an Ambient plugin that provides a basic website template with a login page.
Package tailwindcss is an Ambient plugin that adds the tailwindcss library to all pages.
Package uptimerobotok is an Ambient plugin to support UptimeRobot that sends a 200 status code when a HEAD request is sent to /.