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Barebones App

Follow these steps to create a barebones Ambient app. These steps are intentionally verbose to help with the understanding.

Create a few folders.

mkdir -p myapp/storage

Change to the myapp folder.

cd myapp

Initialize the Go module. You should swap out username for your GitHub username.

go mod init

Create the site file where the app configuration will be stored.

touch storage/site.bin

Create the session file where the user sessions will be stored.

touch storage/session.bin

Create an environment variable file to hold the session key for the Session Manager.

touch .env

In the .env file, paste in the line starting with AMB_SESSION_KEY from the output of this program (click Run):

Create a main.go file.

package main

import (


func main() {
// Load the .env file if AMB_DOTENV=true.
if envdetect.LoadDotEnv() {
err := godotenv.Load()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("app: error loading .env file: %v\n", err.Error())

// Create the ambient app.
plugins := Plugins()
ambientApp, logger, err := ambientapp.NewApp("myapp", "1.0",
Storage: localstorage.New("storage/site.bin", "storage/session.bin"),
if err != nil {

// Load the plugins and return the handler.
mux, err := ambientApp.Handler()
if err != nil {

// Start the web listener.

// Plugins defines the plugins.
func Plugins() *ambient.PluginLoader {
// Get the environment variables.
secretKey := os.Getenv("AMB_SESSION_KEY")
if len(secretKey) == 0 {
log.Fatalf("app: environment variable missing: %v\n", "AMB_SESSION_KEY")

// Define the session manager so it can be used as a core plugin and
// middleware.
sessionManager := scssession.New(secretKey)

return &ambient.PluginLoader{
// Core plugins are implicitly trusted.
Router: awayrouter.New(nil),
TemplateEngine: htmlengine.New(),
SessionManager: sessionManager,
// Trusted plugins are those that are typically needed to boot so they
// will be enabled and given full access.
TrustedPlugins: map[string]bool{
"hello": true,
Plugins: []ambient.Plugin{
Middleware: []ambient.MiddlewarePlugin{
// Middleware - executes top to bottom.
sessionManager, // Session manager middleware.

Create a hello.go file.

package main

import (


// Plugin represents an Ambient plugin.
type Plugin struct {

// NewHelloPlugin returns a new hello plugin.
func NewHelloPlugin() *Plugin {
return &Plugin{
PluginBase: &ambient.PluginBase{},

// PluginName returns the plugin name.
func (p *Plugin) PluginName() string {
return "hello"

// PluginVersion returns the plugin version.
func (p *Plugin) PluginVersion() string {
return "1.0.0"

// GrantRequests returns a list of grants requested by the plugin.
func (p *Plugin) GrantRequests() []ambient.GrantRequest {
return []ambient.GrantRequest{
{Grant: ambient.GrantRouterRouteWrite, Description: "Access to create default route."},

// Routes sets routes for the plugin.
func (p *Plugin) Routes() {
p.Mux.Get("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (err error) {
return p.Toolkit.JSON(w, http.StatusOK, map[string]interface{}{
"message": "hello world!",

Download the dependencies - you can remove the last argument if running less than Go 1.17.

go mod tidy -compat=1.17

Start the app. AMB_DOTENV=true tells the app to load the session key from the .env file.

AMB_DOTENV=true go run .

You should be able to access the app at: http://localhost:8080

Your browser will output this message if everything was successful: {"message":"hello world!"}