FuncMaps are how you can call functions in HTML templates to return data. They are a map of functions that can take in parameters. You can read more about them with examples here.
The FuncMap()
function should return a callable function that accepts an http.Request and then returns a template.FuncMap
. The reason it accepts a request is sometimes information around the current user or request is needed by the functions.
Below is an example of how to define a FuncMap.
// FuncMap returns a callable function that accepts a request.
func (p *Plugin) FuncMap() func(r *http.Request) template.FuncMap {
return func(r *http.Request) template.FuncMap {
fm := make(template.FuncMap)
fm["disqus_PageURL"] = func() string {
return r.URL.Path
return fm
Your handler should pass in p.FuncMap()
so the template can use it.
func (p *Plugin) welcomeView(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (err error) {
vars := make(map[string]interface{})
vars["title"] = "Welcome"
return p.Render.Page(w, r, assets, "template/view.tmpl", p.FuncMap(), vars)
You can then call the FuncMap in a template.
<p>The page URL is: {{disqus_PageURL}}</p>
Global Functions​
These functions are always available in templates so don't try to overwrite them.
returns the AMB_URL_PREFIX
environment variable. Here is an example of how you would use it:
<a href="{{URLPrefix}}/dashboard/posts/new">New post</a>
returns prevents the HTML from being escaped.
{{.content | TrustHTML}}
returns prevents the HTML attributes from being escaped. For example: dir="ltr"
{{.content | TrustHTMLAttr}}
returns prevents the JavaScript from being escaped.
{{.content | TrustJS}}
returns prevents the JavaScript characters from being escaped.
{{.content | TrustJSStr}}
returns prevents the srcset from being escaped.
{{.content | TrustSrcset}}
FuncMaps are global which means all of the maps are combined before rendering the template. To prevent collisions, each function must have a key that is prefixed with the name of the plugin. For instance, for the disqus
plugin, all FuncMaps should start with disqus_
fm["disqus_PageURL"] = func() string {
return r.URL.Path
If the key does not include the prefix of the plugin, Ambient will automatically add the prefix (disqus_*
) so it's a best practice to include it for consistency.
FuncMaps in Assets​
You can also use FuncMaps in the Assets()
function since they are parsed as HTML templates.
// Assets returns a list of assets and an embedded filesystem.
func (p *Plugin) Assets() ([]ambient.Asset, ambient.FileSystemReader) {
arr := make([]ambient.Asset, 0)
arr = append(arr, ambient.Asset{
Filetype: ambient.AssetGeneric,
Location: ambient.LocationHead,
TagName: "link",
ClosingTag: false,
Attributes: []ambient.Attribute{
Name: "rel",
Value: "canonical",
Name: "href",
Value: `{{if .canonical}}{{.canonical}}{{else}}{{bearblog_PageURL}}{{end}}`,
return arr, &assets
// FuncMap returns a callable function that accepts a request.
func (p *Plugin) FuncMap() func(r *http.Request) template.FuncMap {
return func(r *http.Request) template.FuncMap {
fm := make(template.FuncMap)
fm["bearblog_PageURL"] = func() string {
siteURL, err := p.Site.FullURL()
if err != nil {
p.Log.Warn("bearblog: error getting site URL: %v", err.Error())
return path.Join(siteURL, r.URL.Path)
return fm